Lake Winnipesaukee and Squam Lake Subdivisions & Desirable Lake Neighborhoods
Find your new home in one of Lake Winnipesaukee's communities. All Lake Winnipesaukee real estate listings on this site are updated by the MLS. To be notified when new listings become available sign up with the site (it's free!). For any and all your Winnip real estate questions, contact Nicole Watkins!
Squam River Landing <10
Windermere Association and Lands End Listings <10
Bald Peak Colony Club Homes <10
Veasey Shore <10
South Down Shores and Long Bay on Winnipesaukee 190+
Governors Island <10
Stonedam Island <10
Rattlesnake Island <10
Cow Island <10
Bear Island <10
Gunstock Acres 130+
Kona <10
Suissevale Beach Access Comminty <10