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Residential Market Trends - Lake WInnipesaukee Sales 1/1/2023-4/16/2023 Versus 1/1/2024-4/16/2024


Meredith and Moultonborough Lake Winnipesaukee Statistics 01/01/2023-04/16/2023 Versus 01/01/2024-04/16/2024*

In Meredith for this time frame in 2023 there was only one Lake Winnipesaukee residential sale at $5,575,000 with 5 days on the market.  In 2024 there were 3 sales with an average selling price of $2,341,666 and an average number of days on market of 40. 

In Moultonborough, in 2024 for this time period, the average selling price went up 11.7 percent from 2023 to 2024  and the average number of days on market went down 127.5% in 2024.The Winni market is holding steady.

Below are more details about the Lake WInnipesaukee Residential Real Estate Market 

*Statistics on this page drawn from NNEREN MLS for the time period of 1/01/2023-04/16/2023 versus 01/01/2024-04/16/2024 for the towns of Meredith and Moultonborough for exclusively owned residential real estate.

Moultonborough Lake WInnipesaukee Residential Real Estate trends from January 1, 2024 throguh April 16, in 2024

7 Moultonborough residential listings with owned waterfront closed between January 1, 2024 and April 16, 2024. The average days on market was 22 and the median days on market was 23. The high selling price was $6,300,000, the low selling price was $825,000. The low selling price of $825,000 was for the 1 Lake Kanasatka property in this search.  All the rest were Lake Winnipesaukee home sales. The average selling price for these 7 sales was $3,120,571. The median selling price was  $2,669,000. The total sales volume for this time was $21,844,000. If it has not been for the inclusion of the one Lake Kanasatka sales, the median selling price for the Winnipesaukee only residential sales is $3,324,500.The average selling price without the Kanasatka Sale included was $3,503,166. 




2024 Moultonborough Lake Winnipesaukee Residential Sales 01/01/2024-04/16/2024 

Likewise, 7 Moultonborough residential listings with owned waterfront closed between January 1, 2023 and April 16, 2023.  The average number of days on market was 102 and the median number of days on market was 41.  The high selling price was $5,685,000 and the low selling price was $569,000. The low selling price was for a house on Shannon Brook. This was the one waterfront residential property not on Lake Winnipesaukee that sold in this time frame. The average selling price for these 7 sales was $2,752,000.  The median selling price was $2,500,000.  The total sales volume was $19,264,000. If it had not been for the inclusion of the Shannon Book sale the average selling price would have been $3,115,833 and the median selling price would have been $3,337,500.  

Call me for recent trends in your neighborhood or to request a comparative market ananlysis on your property.



Meet the Local Businesses in the Lake Winnipesaukee Shored Town of Wolfeboro

Wolfeboro's Origin Dates it as the Oldest Summer Resort in the United States.

Today's Business Owners Help Maintain Wolfeboro's Long-Lived Popularity.

Garwood Wolfeboro NH

Wolfeboro's Main Street is one of the most picturesque streets in New Hampshire's Lakes Region. Many of the local businesses and restaurants enjoy stunning views of Lake Winnipesaukee. Restaurants such as Garwoods and Jo Greens allow diners to enjoy the views and take in the ambiance and historic architecture. (The photo to the right was taken outside of Garwoods in November 2015. It was a surprisingly warm day with 75 degree weather and a calm lakes at Garwoods and all across Winnipesaukee!).

Tucked along Wolfeboro's side streets are many other charming commercial properties, including boutique cafes and specialty shops. Some of the cache of living on roads such as Sewall Road, Forest Road, and Main Street is the proximity to the quaint downtown amenities Wolfeboro offers.

The below interviews serve as an introduction to some of the local business owners in Wolfeboro NH . While they all come from different backgrounds, there is a common thread to their stories - what brought them to New Hampshire's Lakes Region and how their day to day experience has redefined their expectations of life on Lake Winnipesaukee. Learn more about these local owners and their businesses below. When you are are strolling through Wolfeboro, stop by and meet them for yourselves!


Beveridge Beer and Soap Shop - Lisa Beveridge

51 North Main Street, Wolfeboro, NH

This shop specializes in selling craft beers from the New England area. There is also a small taproom with five to six craft beers on tap and a menu that features PB&J and PB&Fluff. Lisa also makes homemade soap, several of which are made with beer!

How long have you been in business?
Two and a half years

How long have you lived in the Lakes Region?
13 years

Are you originally from here? What brought you the Lakes Region?
It's beautiful. My husband's grandparents lived up here and we wanted to get out of the city. You come to visit a summer home and you kind of get attached.

What was the driving force behind starting your business?
I wanted to do something for myself, have my own shop.

Do you have a business philosophy.
Drink good beer.

What separates you from other similar businesses in the area?
There aren't any similar businesses right now, so I am pretty unique to this area.

What would you like potential customers to know? Anything new for the future?
There are always new things going on, new events. Winter and Summer beer fest are happening. New beers are coming in every week. Our soap line is expanding.

What do you like to do in your time off?
Work (laughs). I don't have a lot of time off.

What are the top three reasons why people should visit the Lakes Region?

  1. Peace and quiet
  2. Really nice small businesses, especially in Wolfeboro. Cool businesses throughout the Lakes Region, great restaurants, and new shops are opening up.
  3. Come see me!

Find out more about Beveridge Craft Beer and Soap Co.


Sabol's Art Studio - Gregory W. Sabol, Owner and Artist

76 North Main Street, Wolfeboro, NH

How long have you been in business?
We have been here for six months. We bought the old building, tore it down and built this one.

Where do you live in the Lakes Region?
We live in Effingham on Province Lake.

What drew you to the Lakes Region if you weren't originally from here?
I'm from the area.

What was the driving force behind starting your business?
I had studied art at the University of New Hampshire and sat in on classes at the Art Institute on Commonwealth Ave in Boston, where my brother was studying. I had owned my own businesses for thirty years and then my wife, Alice, (of seven years now) saw my art and encouraged me to get back into it. I am glad she did. We sold the business and built the studio.

What would you like potential customers to know?
My art is here to enjoy. Each one tells a story, but it is here for everyone to enjoy.

What do you like to do in your time off?
My wife and I enjoy history and traveling. We have done mission work in Honduras and Haiti. I have traveled to Russia and Israel. I belong to the Rotary and we believe in giving back.

What are your top reasons why someone should vacation in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire?

  1. It is a bubbly place. You can meet people from all walks of life. I have met people from Russia, England, and more. You can sit outside at a coffee shop and talk to great people.
  2. The art community here is expanding; more art studios are opening in Wolfeboro; more art events like Art Walk and Paint Wolfeboro are happening than ever before.
  3. The lakes and you are close to the mountain and to the ocean.

Find out more about Gregory Sabol and Sabol's Art Studio.


From Scratch Bakery - Katie Johnson, Owner

36 Center Street, Wolfeboro Falls, NH

From Scratch Bakery is a small town bakery run by Local, Katie Johnson, who uses high quality and fresh ingredients. This bakery offers employment to folks with intellectual or developmental disabilities. Her sister, Kristen, who has Down Syndrome, works at the bakery.

How long have you been in business?
We opened on June 1, 2015.

How long have you lived in the Lakes Region?
All my life! I grew up in Wolfeboro and graduated from Kingwood. I did go away for awhile (chuckles), but I came back. (Katie attended the University of Rhode Island and received a BS in elementary education. She later attended Johnson and Wales for baking and pastries.)

What is the driving force behind starting your business?
The bakery allows me to combine my creativity along with my love of helping people. People with disabilities may face a unique set of challenges, but they also have incredible talents and skills to offer. There aren't a lot of employment opportunities for them in the community.

What is your business philosophy?
A workplace where employees can use their individual strengths, get help when they need it and don't have keep to a breakneck pace. A worker of any ability level would like that.

What would you like potential customers to know? Is there going to be a new product for your business in 2016?
Wedding cakes! We do wedding cakes.

What do you like to do in your time off?
(laughs) I have no free time. I am heading up to Kingswood today for career day. There is always something to do.

Top three reason to vacation in the Lakes Region?

  1. It is beautiful and a great place to be outside
  2. The people are friendly
  3. The skiing

Learn more about Katie and From Scratch Baking Co.


Country Bookseller - Karen Baker, Owner

23 North Main Street, Wolfeboro, NH

How long have you been in business?
It will be 22 years on July 1st.

How long have you lived in the Lakes Region?
22 years; I moved here to open the shop.

What drew you to the Lakes Region, if you weren't originally from here?
I wanted to open a book store, so I crisscrossed the state looking for a small community that could support a bookstore. I fell in love with Wolfeboro. I am originally from Upstate New York but spent time in California and was living in Connecticut when I decided to open the business!

What was the driving force behind starting your business?
I was an English major working in the corporate world and I was not happy. I went to a seminar and they asked us to write what would be on your tombstone and I thought only, here lies Karen. Then they asked what we wanted to be written and I knew I wanted more. A friend gave me the book, Do What You Love and The Money Will Follow, so that's when I decided to open my own business.

What is your business philosophy?
Books are like food for the brain. If you help someone learn to enjoy reading, you give them the world.

What would you like potential customers to know?
We are here seven days a week and we serve locally roasted coffee and locally baked pastries. We are always willing to do special orders.

What do you like to do in your time off?
I love to read and spend time with friends. I love going out to eat and, of course, I love to read.

Top reasons why someone should vacation in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire?

  1. A great bookstore
  2. Fresh air and fabulous outside activities.Friendly people. It's a throwback in time, to a gentler, slower paced lifestyle.

Find out more about The Country Bookseller.


There are currently 126 properties, including residential homes, mobile homes, and condo listings in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire. The average listing price is $913,648. The median listing price is $378,500.

Interested in living in Wolfeboro? Feel free to search Wolfeboro waterfront homes, Wolfeboro single family homes, and land for sale in Wolfeboro.

Search all Winnipesaukee real estate or search all MLS listings!

More bad news?

Here's the Skinny on the Moultonborough NH Winnipesaukee Waterfront Real Estate Market!

2007 versus 2006.

We all hear more bad news in the national media every day concerning the slowing real estate market, right? It probably shouldn't come as a surprise that Moultonborough, New Hampshire saw a median selling price for its Lake Winnipesaukee waterfront homes that was lower in 2007 than in 2006.

What did surprise me though, when I ran the statistics, was just how dramatic the drop in median selling price was - 3 of the 4 quarters in 2007, saw a median selling price 1/3 to 5/11 lower than in 2006. *

I think part of what happened is that a number of verifiable facts about a slowing national real estate market spiraled out of proportion in the media. Just because the market was tanking in parts of Florida, and elsewhere in the country, people saw the possibility of prices dropping to well below the current assessed value on most Lake Winnipesaukee waterfront real estate.

In my opinion the Lake Winnipesaukee waterfront market, in Moultonborough, and throughout the Lake Winnipesaukee towns, has merely been adjusting closer to the assessed values of properties. No longer is it common for selling prices of waterfront homes to be well above the assessed value. The Lake Winnipesaukee real estate market that had been galloping away for so long had to slow down eventually.

A market has been created in which, many of the Sellers won't sell unless they get their price, so they just aren't selling. Many Buyers, growing increasingly wary from the constant bad news about real estate, and the decreasing value of the dollar in the global economy, decided in the past year to wait out the real estate market and see where prices settle. I think the stabilization of prices in the 4th quarter so far, shows that many buyers decided that prices had settled, and finally went ahead with their purchases.

I predict that the median selling price of homes will be up again next year. Some of the Sellers will bring their prices down, closer to Town of Moultonborough assessed values. I also see more buyers deciding to go ahead and make a lakefront purchase. I'd like to know your opinions on the Lakes Region real estate market. Please write an entry on my blog to prove or to disprove this theory. We'll test it in the months to come and see how closely we can predict the future market.

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